A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This is an action game for the 27th 3 Minute Game Contest. Let's move the psychic girl and annihilate the dangerous enemies. You can only move and jump. When an enemy comes within range, it will automatically attack. There are Japanese and English versions. It supports keyboards and game controllers (X Input, Direct Input). This game uses AI illustrations.

PIASON : Strong in the front direction. High initial HP.
SMOKE : Movement is slow, but the attack range is wide.
LINYAN : Moves fast and can attack backwards.

Destroy the hidden box to reveal the item.
Red Gem : Attack Power up
Blue Gem : Max HP +1
Green Gem : Score +50
Star : Invincible for 6 seconds

Recovers 1 HP for each enemy killed. There is no time limit, but your score will decrease over time. The remaining HP x 10 will be added to the score when clearing. The bonus graphics will weaken the mosaic when you get a high score.

超能力少女を動かしてやばいやつらを全滅しよう。操作は移動とジャンプだけ。敵が射程に入ると自動で攻撃します。高いスコアを出すとボーナスグラフィックのモザイクが弱くなっていきます。日本語版と英語版があります。キーボードとゲームコントローラー(X Input, Direct Input)に対応しています。このゲームはAIイラストを使用しています。


PsychoStreamer_3pg_Eng.zip 16 MB
サイコストリーマー3PG日本語版.zip 18 MB


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So you are region J. Japan. Cool! Nice to meet you! Yes, i see some moments of kind Japan 8 bit style of games. Like some good NES games. There were the times, there were lots of cool titles for 8 bit NES!